Our environmental management is structured from two work scenarios that complement each other: i) internally, we promote proper mining, supported by the control and permanent monitoring of our production processes for the proper management of their environmental impacts, as well as by the efficient use and exploitation of natural resources; ii) externally, we position ourselves as agents of sustainable development for the protection of the environment in the regions where we operate, from an integrated approach of social and community development, aiming at the conservation and restoration of the ecosystems and the improvement of the quality of life of the people.






We control our atmospheric emissions with the implementation of an air quality management program following the corporate standards of our parent company. We have an integrated air quality monitoring system, which aims to structure, implement and monitor the operating procedures of the different port activities, so that we can monitor and control in real-time the emissions generated by the transport, storage, loading and unloading of coal.


We recognize the importance of water resources for the development of our port operations and the quality of life of neighboring communities. That’s why we focus on developing our management towards the care of quality and availability conditions of the water sources we use for catchment, dumping and wastewater control and the efficient use of the resource within our industrial and domestic activities.

Additionally, as agents of sustainable development in the region, we develop activities to monitor the quality conditions of the water basins present in the region, with the aim of joining efforts to promote their conservation and protection.



As part of our commitment to the protection and conservation of biodiversity, we permanently carry out activities to rescue the wildlife present in our operation and in the surrounding area, and relocate it to natural biosensor areas for their conservation and protection, where we monitor their survival and adaptation to the ecosystem. To date, in Puerto Nuevo we have rescued and relocated 192 animals, including birds, reptiles and mammals.

 Wildlife receiving area: Toribio river corridor, 160 hectares.





The compensation activities are framed within our objectives of being agents of sustainable development, and at the same time they are part of the application of the hierarchy of impact mitigation, by means of which we seek to generate and enhance positive impacts on the environment and society through the actions and compensation investments that we make in our operation.





Since 2011, the Prodeco Group has strengthened the management of School Environmental Projects in educational institutions of our area of influence, which complement the curriculum of pre-school, elementary and secondary education, and whose focus is to integrate all the areas of knowledge in the development of environmental projects and activities  



Boletines Socioambientales 

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