Standards and human rights
We are committed to the responsible management and well-being of all our workers and neighboring communities.
Our ambition is to respect and promote human rights within the Prodeco Group and throughout our value chain.
Through our policies, standards and processes, we respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UNGPs and the UN Global Compact
Due diligence in human rights
At the Prodeco Group we have a human rights due diligence process that allows us to proactively manage the real and potential risks of adverse effects on human rights.
Our due diligence process includes the following stages:
1. Identification of risks and impacts
The Prodeco Group is committed to identifying and managing the risks and impacts of the operation on employees, contractors and communities throughout the entire mining cycle with the aim of preventing, mitigating and, when necessary, compensating them.
In application of international standards, Grupo Prodeco recognizes the verified, potential and perceived impacts of its operation on its stakeholders, with the aim of establishing timely measures to prevent, mitigate and, if necessary, compensate.
2. Management for the prevention and mitigation of risks and impacts
The risk and impact management process, from the perspective of human rights due diligence, aims to align technical operational efforts with the perception of communities or interest groups about the efficiency of the measures, not only from the technical perspective but also from the social perspective.
Within the framework of this alignment, this stage of the process seeks:
- Identify how to strengthen the management of prevention and mitigation measures, both operational and environmental and social.
- Generate action plans for each area in order to address the impacts associated with human rights.
3. Communication to Stakeholders
The Prodeco Group informs and discusses its due diligence actions with its interest groups through different mechanisms, such as relations with authorities, communities and NGOs.
The results of the latest impact evaluation and the actions implemented by the Prodeco Group to prevent, mitigate, control and remedy the impacts on human rights of its activities in the area of influence in the departments of Cesar and Magdalena, are available in the following report.
Read our Report on Due Diligence in Human Rights 2019
4. Integration to the corporate system
To achieve better management, at Prodeco we integrate the results of the risk and impact analysis into the company's different management processes, so that they have adequate follow-up and monitoring systems.
5. Complaints office
Prodeco Group has a Complaints Office that responds in a participatory manner to concerns about possible impacts on human rights and, if necessary, compensates cases in which said impact is confirmed.
However, it is not a system that replaces the ordinary Colombian justice system or the indigenous jurisdiction, therefore, it does not carry out judicial investigations or impose labor or criminal sanctions.
The Complaints office operates based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, considering the following premises:
- Participation and consultation: Those who present complaints participate in the collection of information and the consensual closure of complaints is always sought.
- Public and accessible: The Complaints office has adequate access channels for all Stakeholders.
- Predictable: The Complaints office has a standardized process that defines the scope, activities, roles and responsibilities in the development of its activities.
- Fair and equitable: The Complaints office is based on respect for all people, both those who file their complaints and those who are part of the investigation. The Office presumes the good faith of the people who file complaints, investigates complaints rigorously and resolves them under parameters of justice and equity.
- Transparent: The process permanently involves the affected party from the registration of the complaint, during the collection of information, until the completion and execution of the solution and closure of the case so that they know the status of the investigation and the related information.
- Compatible with human rights: Investigations and decisions made in relation to complaints from various interest groups must be respectful of human rights.
- Culturally appropriate: The Complaints office must have mechanisms that allow complaints to be addressed based on the cultural characteristics of its interest groups.
- Source of learning: The Complaints office is part of Grupo Prodeco's human rights due diligence process.
Reporting channels
Toll-free line: 01 8000 185415
Telephone line: (605) 3092429
6. Human rights assurance
International social standards are the framework for action that guides and provides guidelines for adequate management of risks and impacts on human rights. The standards are roadmaps that indicate how to identify risks and impacts, how to make processes with communities more inclusive and participatory, how to carry out resettlements when these are essential or what considerations to take into account in the relationship with allies such as the Public Force or contractors. private surveillance.
Ensuring due diligence in human rights, based on continuous improvement, has several mechanisms:
- Monitoring compliance with the improvement plans derived from the Risk and Impact Studies on Human Rights.
- Monitoring the status of legal requirements.
- Monitoring of the social insurance system.
- Shareholder audits.