Registration process / updating of port operators
Any Port Operator wishing to register for the first time to provide services in Puerto Nuevo must submit the following duly completed forms, attaching all the documents requested according to the activity(ies) to be carried out and/or the services to be provided:
Registration and Update of Port Operators
Registration and updating of Port Operators personnel
The information must be sent in magnetic media, to the Puerto Nuevo Operations department, at Km 10 Ciénaga-Santa Marta, following the instructions that appear in Annex 1 of the Registration and Update of Port Operators form.
If it is about updating a Port Operator or just personnel registration, the Port Operator must send an email to, requesting the updating or registration of personnel (depending on the case), attaching all the documents that are required.
In the case of updates, the documents that must be attached will be those that have lost their validity, that have had significant changes, or those requested by Puerto Nuevo, and for the personnel record, all the annexes stipulated in the Registration and Port Operators Personnel Update.
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